Job Cost Analysis - Lawn and Landscape Business Management Software
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Job Cost Analysis

Job Cost Analysis

Posted by Mark Hardin

Learn to use TurfHop's job cost analysis tools before and after the work is completed. Measuring true cost and profits is part of running a successful business.  For example, if your job calls for 10 pallets of sod, but you installed 9 and your customer has a fixed technically just made more profit than originally estimated since you have a left over pallet of sod.

Before The Work - Estimated Cost

TurfHop is designed to let the system do all the heavy lifting.  All you really need to do is make sure you have default costs assigned in product / services.  This amount can be overriden for each line of your quote / job as you build it out.

  1. Navigate to any quote
  2. Add a line item
  3. Select "Cost, Profit, & Margin"
  4. Enter a cost for this line and you'll notice margins are calculated

After The Work - Actual Cost

The goal here is to record the actual material / labor that was done. This can be done from the "Event" dialog on your calendar. Just click on your event on the calendar and at the very bottom you will see "Record Actuals":

  1. Click event on the calendar
  2. Scroll down and click "Record Actuals"
  3. Check the items that were completed and enter the actual quantity installed
  4. Click "Save"

Cost Analysis

Once your actuals are recorded, you can view the "Actual vs Estimated Cost" comparison. Here you will see the profit change before and after the work was completed.  This can be done from 2 places:

  • Job Screen - Next to profit margin click "Actual vs Estimated Cost"
  • Event Dialog - Click "Actual vs Estimated Cost" next to "Record Actuals"

Don't forget there are a number of job cost reports under Reports > Global Reports > Job Cost Reports

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